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Evercoat Distributor Training

Get a free Evercoat Certified T Shirt after completing the 3 required courses

Created by Timothy McKinney
Updated January 23, 2025
Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Evercoat Certified Distributor T Shirt

How to claim your free T Shirt:

Step 1: Successfully complete the following courses with 100% completion and a grade of at least 80% for each of the courses:

  1. Evercoat Filler Line Overview
  2. Evercoat Putty Line Overview
  3. Evercoat Polyester Primers Overview

Step 2: Once you have successfully completed the above courses, enroll in this course.

You will not be able to enroll in this course until you have successfully completed the above pre-requisites. 

Step 3: Once you have enrolled in this course, click on the first lesson under ‘Course Content’ below to be fill out a form to claim your free Evercoat Certified T Shirt.

This will not be available until the pre-requisites are met.